Thursday, August 4, 2016

#MTBosBlaugust 2016 and the Return of the Blog

Well, it's been a minute since I've posted. Like, two years worth of minutes.

But there's nothing like starting new before a new school year begins! Let's see if I can keep this up.

I've decided to participate in the #MTBoSBlaugust (Math Teacher Blog-o-Sphere) event started by +Shelli Temple on her blog Teaching Statistics.  This is not my normal PLN on twitter - but Shelli's planner caught my eye one day and she generously shared it with me, which got me reading her blog! I'm not a math teacher - but hey -when you need accountability, you'll jump in anywhere! So, if any of you math teachers participating in #MTBosBlaugust are reading this - I hope you can find something useful here!

So, what do I hope to get out of Blaugust this year? My goal is to post at least a couple of times a week in August. I'm not going crazy and attempting to post every day (I've already busted that goal..since today is the 4th), but realistically I think I can write a couple of times a week. My first few posts will be reflections on the last few years. I started this blog before beginning the Fab Explor-A-Lab at our school - and I had great plans! The last few years have been quite a journey figuring out what exactly this class would be about, how it would work, and whether or not I would enjoy it. And I do enjoy it, because it's been a learning experience for me.

There you go! My first official #MTBoSBlaugust post - and my first official post of the year!


  1. You have to start somewhere, so might as well start today! :) So glad you stumbled upon the MTBoS and look forward to learning more from you!

    1. Thank Shelli! Hopefully it's the push I needed!

  2. I LOVE YOU my friend!!! This is Awesome and I would really like to participate in the MTBoS with you!! Especially, since I DO teach Math! LoL!! Congrats on getting this post up and I look forward to reading more and possibly starting to write my own. (Although I do have a few other things on my planner right now.)

    1. Yes, you better start your own :) Planner be darned...
